Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

16. Magento. How to restore a website from full backup

1 min read


You may check how to make a full backup for Magento website here: Magento. How to make full website backup.

  1. First, you should restore the files.
    • Log into your Host Control Panel. Navigate to File Manager:

      Magento. How to restore a website from full backup_1

      • Select all the files, click Delete button:

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    • Click Upload button, and upload the .zip file that you have backed up before. Then click Extract to unzip this file, that you will have all the files back from the full backup:

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    • Open app/etc/local.xml file to check the information of Database in order to work with the correct database. It looks like this:

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  2. Next, restore the database.
    • From your Host Control Panel navigate to phpMyAdmin:

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      • Choose the correct database of the website that you have checked earlier, select all the tables and drop them:

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    • Click Import tab, browse the .sql file that you had backed up before. Then click Go to start importing:

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  3. You may need to clear cache, after that refresh your website to check that you get the full backup.


July 2024
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