Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

4. Magento. How to manage “Twitter module” extension

2 min read

Twitter module allows to display tweets feed on your store.

  1. To enable and configure the module, log into your Magento Admin panel and go to System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Twitter section..
  2. The module has the following options:
      1. Widget ID – Twitter widget identifier. The identifier can be received after the registration of your widget account in settings.
      2. Account name – Twitter account username whose feed you want to display.
      3. Color Scheme – widget skin color. It can be light or dark.
      4. Layout enhancements – allows to partially hide elements of widget formatting.
      5. Tweet limit – amount of tweets displayed in the feed.
      6. Link color – allows to change the links color in the feed.
      7. Border color – allows to change the border color in feed.
      8. Height – height of the widget window.
      9. Width – the width of the widget window:


    1. By default, the block is displayed in the left column. But there are three display options: left, right and footer. In order to change the position of the block, you need to open tm_twitter.xml file located in the /app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout folder of your installation. This file includes three reference blocks with name=”left” (name=”right”, name=”footer”) parameters:


    2. Two blocks are commented out in this file. And only one block with name=”left” is not commented out. It displays the block in the left column. If you need to display the module in footer, you need to follow these instructions:
      1. Uncomment lines of code for name=”footer” block (the last one in the example of the code above) and comment out the name=”left” block (the first one in the example of code above).
      2. Open footer.phtml file located in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/template/page/html folder.
      3. Paste the following code to the needed place:
        <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('tm_twitter_timeline') ?>


    3. Now the Twitter block will be displayed in footer.

    Thank you for reading this tutorial. Now you know how to manage Twitter module in Magento template(s).



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