Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

40. Magento. How to manage shop meta data

2 min read

Magento includes numbers of SEO tools and features allowing you to have a full control over editing or generating optimised page titles and descriptions, below are some of them.

1. To edit your Store Meta Title and Description, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System -> Configuration in your Magento Admin Panel.
  2. Click the ‘Design’ tab on the left and expand the ‘HTML Head’ group of options.
  3. Just enter the Meta Title and Description you want for your homepage.
  4. Click ‘Save Config’:

2. To edit Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for Magento Content Pages, please do the following:

  1. Go to CMS -> Pages.
  2. Select the page and click “Meta Data” on the left.
  3. Fill in the fields with the Meta Keywords and Description and click “Save Page” on the right:


3. To edit Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for Magento Category Pages, please do the following:

  1. Navigate to Catalog -> Manage Categories.
  2. Select the Category you need and fill in the Meta Keywords and Meta Description fields in the General Information tab.
  3. Click “Save Category” at the top right:


4. To edit Page Titles and Meta Descriptions on Magento Product Details Pages, you should do the following:

  1. Go to Catalog -> Manage Products.
  2. Select a product by clicking “Edit” on its respective row and fill in the Meta Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description fields in the Meta Information tab on the left.

    Meta Title:

    The meta title appears in the title bar and tab of your browser, and search results listings. The meta title should be unique to the page, and less than 70 characters in length.

    Meta Keywords :

    Although most search engines ignore meta keywords, many sites continue to use them. The current best practice is to incorporate high-value keywords in the meta title and meta description.

    Meta Description:

    Meta descriptions provide a brief overview of the page for search results listings. Ideally, a meta description should be between 150-160 characters in length, although the field will accept up to 255 characters.

  3. Click “Save” at the top right:


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