Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

6. Magento. How to set up store view specific settings of Cloud Zoom extension

2 min read

In order to do it, you should perform the following:

  1. Log into your admin panel with your login credentials.
  2. Go to System -> Configuration:Magento.-How-to-setup-Cloud-Zoom-extension-store-view-specific-settings1.jpg
  3. Open Catalog tab:


  4. On the next page under Cloud Image Zoom you will find a list of options to configure the module:

    • Enable Cloud Zoom: when ‘yes’ is selected, the option enables the Cloud Zoom in your product images;
    • Position: allows to change the Cloud Zoom position on the product images to one of the following: right, left, top, bottom, inside;
    • Show Title : allows the product title to appear at the top of the image when you mouse over the Cloud Zoom;
    • Title Opacity %: (for inastance, set to 50) allows to change the opacity of the string at the top of the product image which shows the product title;
    • Lens Opacity %: (for inastance, set to 50) allows to change the opacity of the lens;
    • Zoom Width: (Leave empty for auto) allows you to manually change the zoom width;
    • Zoom Height:(Leave empty for auto) allows you to manually change the zoom height;
    • Big Image Width: (e.g. 600) allows you to automatically change the width of the enlarged image;
    • Big Image Heigh: (e.g. 600) allows you to automatically change the height of the enlarged image;
    • Tint Color: (e.g. #aa00aa or leave empty to disable) allows you to specify the tint color for the Cloud Zoom;
    • Tint Opacity %: (e.g. 50) allows you to change the tint opacity for the Cloud Zoom.
  5. Select a store view required from a drop-down menu on the top left and click it;


  6. Change the settings according to your needs and click Save Config at the top right when you are done.
  7. Open any product to see the changes applied.
July 2024
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