Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

8. How to Create a Website Quickly

3 min read


How to create a website quickly?

Hello! People often ask me how to create a website quickly. If completing a website project as quickly as possible is name of the game for you then you can probably get all done within around 90 minutes. That’s in case you know a thing or two about web design and web technologies. If you are a complete beginner, with zero experience, you can still probably get things done within around 1 working day (that’s 7-8 hours). The first thing that you should know is that there are several stages of the website creation process.

Pick a template

First stage is to pick a website template that you want your website to be based on. They can be based on either a one-time or SaaS provider. The one-time providers sell website templates on a lifetime license basis. Some of these providers are TemplateMonster, ThemeForest, ElegantThemes etc. The SaaS thing means that you have to renew your website license on the regular basis (either monthly or on the yearly basis) and it’s a bit more expensive than the one-time payment, but still it is suitable for a lot of businesses. The SaaS providers are WIX, Weebly, Squarespace (there’s a lot more, actually).

The good thing about website templates is that all of them are pretty much 80% – ready websites, which means that you have very little customization left. This speeds up the process for you significantly. This process of picking up the template will take about 15 minutes.

Install the template

The next stage is the installation of the template. It pretty much speaks for itself. You can install the template by using the service from a template provider. TemplateMonster and ThemeForest provide this kind of service. You can also hire a freelancer to do the installation. In both cases it will probably cost you around $50. These guys will probably complete the installation within an hour or two. But you can also complete the installation by yourself. That’s pretty easy, there is nothing complicated about it. In most cases it may even be faster than in case you hire a professional to do it.

The installation of a simple template will probably take you around 10 – 15 minutes. If you are a complete beginner, it will maybe take you a bit more time.

Adding the content to a website

This includes replacing the dummy content that is already in the template with your own text. We assume that you already have the text prepared for your website. You can also replace the default images that are already in the template. With some providers you may keep the stock photos that were already included to the template, because your template license already does include the stock image license as well. If you are using the website template and website platform with the admin panel, which I assume you are, then adding a content will probably take you from 40 to 50 minutes. If you are like a geek and like adding the source code, it will probably take you more time, but still, within one day you will be able to complete this task. And there you have it! Within 90 minutes or maybe more, you’ll have your website ready, installed and running. That’s how easy it is! Thank you for reading.


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